did you get to any of our bat talks?

During August the Polzeath to Tintagel team held a number of BBQ events, all about bats. 

More than 50 people were booked in for each BBQ to enjoy some tasty food and learn about bats living in the British Isles, and more specifically the Greater Horseshoe bat. 

This species lives all year round in caves near to our Property office. In the Summer time they breed and roost there, and in winter time they use the caves to hibernate in. 

After an informative talk by the Area Warden we packed up our BBQ supplies and walked up to the cliff tops. During the summer months the Greater Horseshoe and Pippistrelle bats come out of the caves at dusk and fly overhead in a spectacular fashion to go hunting for food in the surrounding fields. 

This year we counted around 90 Greater Horseshoe bats exit the caves. Judging by the feedback form our guests, everyone had a very enjoyable evening, and we look forward to hosting similar events in the future.

(Via our ranger Jenny)