Managing Montbretia Day, Glebe Cliff, Tintagel. Wednesday 9th June
As Part of a national initiative we set out on Glebe Cliff on Wednesday 9th June to eradicate the invasive weed, Montbretia.
In the summer months it has a pretty orange flower and is frequently seen on hedge banks all over Cornwall. It is however taking up valuable space for our more delicate native flowers such as Stitchwort, Herb Robert and Pennywort, to name a few.
In all we had five volunteers armed with spades who worked very hard digging up patches of the weed, we managed to fill the boot of our four wheel drive before the rain started. Even though we tried to dig up all of the roots, plants such as these have a habit of surviving through thick and thin, so I’m sure we’ll be back next year to dig out any remaining plants!!
Jennythe North Cornwall Warden